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    Sending money

    Sending money globally within a few minutes with multiple currencies just In a few clicks. Crypto, Airtime, Data bundles, Mobile Money, Flight Tickets, Hotel Booking, and more.

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    Managing your account

    Your security is very important to us, we strongly recommend you enable the Google 2FA protection on your account to avoid unauthorized access to your account and information. Make sure all the information on your account is up to date to help you receive your account or password reset.

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    Holding money

    Some transactions can be on hold or delayed, we reviewed each transaction carefully before processing it. Be patient, these mostly happened because of delaying of crypto confirmations or suspicion of fraudulent activities. 

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    Cradit card

    We offer a secure card processing service, be advised we do not tolerate fraudulent activities on our system any suspicion of using a fraudulent card on our system can lead to the closing of your account. Always keep your card safe.

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    Receiving money

    Receiving money from GIGPAY AFRICA is easy as ABC just give the sender your details depending on which payment method you want to receive your money on e.g Mobile Money, Bank, PayPal, BTC, etc.

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    Where's my money?

    Transaction failure happens so when it does kindly follow these guidelines to check from your end before contacting customer service for further investigation.

    1. Check your wallet balance to confirm if you have been debited.
    1. Check your crypto for all confirmations.

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Send on the go and track your transfer with our app

It's in every business interest to provide a faster and easier way of doing business, we are committed to serving you better with a good customer experience. We are working hard to release a mobile app for faster and easier transactions. Coming Soon....

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